Best opportunity for Recycling Plastic Industry

Recycling of plastic is one of the fast growing segment in Plastic Industry. Even it caught high attention because its negative impact to environment due to improper waste management of plastic products.

Plastic industry in India symbolizes a promising industry as India is stepping forward to become a global hub for plastics industry with robust investments to be made in coming years. Do you know what is recycling of plastic means? and how it works? Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” waste hierarchy. There are some ISO standards related to recycling such as ISO 15270:2008 for plastics waste and ISO 14001:2004 for environmental management control of recycling practice.

In past, recycling plastics was not so easy. But today because of awareness and technology it became growing segment in Plastic Industry. Today, 80 percent of Americans have easy access to plastics recycling opportunities, whether you participate in a municipal curbside program or live near a drop-off site. Recycling plastics helps valuable materials go on to live a second life as new products. Many people reuse plastics—things like storage bins, sealable food containers and refillable sports bottles.

Recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state. For instance, this could mean melting down soft drink bottles and then casting them as plastic chairs and table. It help us to do more with less in many ways. Because they’re durable, lightweight, and versatile, plastics can help reduce waste and consume less energy. The plastic is sorted from other materials and then each type of plastic is sorted from other types. Next, it’s shaken and rinsed so any particles like dirt or bits of trash come free; then it’s crushed into little flakes and put into a flotation tank. The purpose of this is to further sort the plastic by density. Once all the flakes are dried off, it’s time to melt them into pellets. These pellets are sent back to the manufacturer to start the process over.

Recycled Plastics Industries manufactures plastic lumber from recycled High-Density Polyethylene, creating a durable environmentally friendly alternative to traditional lumber. The 57% target applies only to businesses obligated by the Producer Responsibility Obligations for packaging; this equates to a national achievement target of 42.3% recycling for plastic packaging. This means we need to almost double the tonnage recycled to 1.2 million tonnes per year by 2017. Plastic lumber is perfect for most outdoor applications and utilized by industry, and manufacturing for OEM projects, park and recreation, government and agriculture

The recycling code for plastics was introduced in 1988 by plastics industry through the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. Because municipal recycling programs traditionally have targeted packaging primarily bottles and containers—the resin coding system offered a means of identifying the resin content of bottles and containers commonly found in the residential area. Moreover, technical education required is also available. Gujarat is also marching ahead for becoming automobile hub that will open new avenues for the plastic industry

India Plast 2015 – an international plastics exhibition & conference is aiming to boost recycling plastic industry in India and Gujarat. Many exhibitors from India as well as from abroad will be showcasing the technology and innovation in recycling plastic industry. India Plast 2015 is going to be held in January 29 to February 3, 2015 at Mahatma Mandir Exhibition venue in Gujarat, India. India Plast 2015 will put large scale of opportunities in recycling plastic industry to the exhibitors and visitors. For More Details Visit at

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